Conference fee and payment
The conference fee will be EUR 250. We will charge the reduced rate of EUR 200 if the payment is made not later than April 30, 2010 The conference fee for accompanying persons will be EUR 50. Payment of the fee should be made either in cash at the registration desk in Třešť or it may be remitted by a bank transfer to
Ceska narodni banka, Na prikope 28, Praha 1, Czech Republic,
Account No. 69623011/0710,
Account holder: Matematicky ustav AV CR
Details of payment: VS 5210abc,
IBAN: CZ80 0710 0000 0000 69623011,
where "abc" is the three digit registration number which will be associated to you when you register your name on the preliminary registration form. This number will appear on your screen right after your preliminary registration form has been posted. It will be also made visible at the preliminary list of participants. A copy of the transfer slip should be presented at the registration desk. Please make sure that the commission fee is added so that the required amount reaches the account of the spring school. Unfortunately, neither cheques nor credit cards can be used and will not be accepted.
The conference fee covers:- transportation between Prague and Třešť
- scientific and social programme (including excursion)
- one copy of the list of abstracts of invited lectures
- one copy of proceedings of the invited talks at the school
Board and lodging
Local expenses will be paid directly at Třešť. The estimated total cost for room and board is about EUR 220 (depending on actual exchange rate).*)
*) changed 19/3/2010